Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Does not compute

Lots wrong here.
I want to know what "12,000+Keystrokes" means. Per minute? Per hour? If you can type 65 words, that means your average word is 184 characters long? You can type 200 keystrokes per second? Or maybe it means you are capable of pressing 12,000 buttons. Well sir, I am not impressed.

Oh and you can type alpha AND NUMERIC?? BETTER PUT THAT ON MY RESUME
And since it's an IT job, i suppose it's key that you are skilled in the electronic mail. No argument there.


Bad idea to send out resumes from your corporate email address, especially when you report directly to the network administrator.


were you strapped? Did it need to go in your butt? this is the info i need to have people


No, no, no no non xxnononoonononoxx